Improve Your Diet & Lifestyle. Improve Your Life with R.A.

Improve Your Diet & Lifestyle. Improve Your Life with R.A.

Hey, there! I'm Dawn

I'm on a mission to help people with Rheumatoid Arthritis reduce their symptoms of pain, fatigue and brain fog by leveling up their nutrition and lifestyle practices.

Why? Because when you shift your mindset, fuel your body with nourishing plant-forward foods and practice a healthier lifestyle, you're able to achieve what medicine alone can't do for your body:  all-day energy, mental clarity and better control over your pain.

While medicine helps slow the progression of disease, many are left with fatigue, brain fog and lingering pain. And while steroids and NSAIDs may help with the pain, they don't get to the root cause of what's going on, and in fact, may even add to the problem.

My approach combines years of schooling in the Exercise & Sport Science and Health & Wellness fields, including being certified as a Health Coach. I walk alongside you, cheering you on as you work toward your health goals, guiding you past the obstacles, and helping you create sustainable, long-term change.


Plants, Movement & Mindfulness

Most of us know that we have room for improvement in our food and lifestyle choices, but with so much conflicting information out there, it's hard to know what changes to make and where to start. 

My best advice:  keep it simple. Focus on plant-forward eating, daily movement, and practice mindful activities. Each of these will support your body in a beautiful way. You'll feel better, notice improved digestion, start to get that outward 'glow', have energy to exercise and get stronger, and begin to have so much hope for your future.

How do I know this process works? Because I've walked through this journey myself.


My Story

In the Fall of 2015 I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. By Spring of 2016, I knew I needed more than relying on medicine alone. Why? Because my doctor was happy with the way my medicine was working, and yet, I was in more pain and had more fatigue than ever before.

Like many of you, I was trying to do all the things to keep up with my busy family and work life. With 2 teenagers finishing out high school and heading off to college within a year of each other, we were moving in a lot of different directions.

Trying to find a rhythm when dealing with the unpredictability of RA, was hard. 

I knew I something had to change, so that I could show up and pour into my family the way I love to.

My educational background gave me the foundation of understanding the inner-workings of our body as well as the need for a holistic view point. That fired up my curiosity ... what could I do to better support my body, alongside the medication?

One thing I knew without a doubt:  our body is beautifully and wonderfully made. When given the right tools, it is capable of doing amazing things. And so the research began.

I took all that I had learned and started applying it to my life.

The Results Were Amazing

Within 3 weeks, my pain had subsided and I no longer needed NSAIDs, at all. My energy was improving enough that I could get back to exercising and I felt GOOD! 

Then a snowball effect kicked in where I was able to rebuild my strength, began sleeping like a baby, had all-day energy and better control over my RA.





You Can Do Hard Things.








You Can Do Hard Things.

That's When I Knew I Needed to Help Other RA Warriors Understand the Impact of Food and Lifestyle in Relation to this Disease.

I felt compelled to share all. the. things. in order to help others have hope for their future. But I didn't want to stop there. Knowing how hard this journey is, how lonely it can feel, I wanted to create a space where I could educate, guide, support and provide accountability and community at the same time.

I furthered my education and became a Master Certified Health Coach.

My mission:  to help RA warriors know the science-backed truths that will help them improve their RA symptoms, so that they can get back to thriving in their life. While there is no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, you can massively impact the way you feel, day-in and day-out, by improving your diet and lifestyle.

To help you get started, grab my FREE resource below: Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain-Reducing & Energizing Smoothie Guide. It's a small step you can take to nourish your body in a simple and delicious way.



Anti-Inflammatory Foods Checklist

Knowing what to eat is half the battle. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to clarity.Ā Use this checklist as a starting point as you work to reduceĀ joint pain and fatigue.